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Wednesday, 9 May 2012

Namah funds party with own K30 million

Source:  Post Courier

Deputy Prime Minister Belden Nama Belden Namah will fund the operations of PNG Party for the 2012 National General Election from his own pocket.
Mr Namah, who is Minister for Forests and Climate Change, is donating K30 million to PNG party for its election operations.
“I am donating this money harvested from my backyard garden in Bewani because I am serious about winning this election with PNG party and to bring change to the political landscape in PNG,” he said. Mr Namah is from Bewani in the Green River area of West Sepik province and owns a logging company where his millions are made, from his own backyard garden as he refers to.
He’s doing so, he also challenged leaders of other political parties where their funding is coming from and that they must declare it on the floor for Papua New Guinea to see and evaluate. “I want to challenge them, where is their garden and how will they fund their operations,” he said. Yesterday afternoon, the firebrand PNG Party Leader spent K1 million to buy eight brand new Toyota Land Cruisers for provinces in the Momase and Highlands region.
One vehicle was bought each for Madang, East Sepik and West Sepik Provinces and five driven up to the Highlands as of today and these vehicles will remain with provincial co-ordinators to co-ordinate their province’s election operations and support services.
He added that he will buy vehicles, boats and outboard motors for the Southern and New Guinea Islands in the coming days. He said as the party leader, he had discussed this with his two deputies and founder of the party Sir Mekere Morauta and the party executives and they arrived at a figure between K25-30 million to run the parties election operations. He said PNG Party does not have that kind of money in its bank accounts and it has been a challenge for him as the party leader to deliver.
“I am putting up my own money because I believe in what I am doing and I want see a change and I want to be next Prime Minister of PNG,” he boldly said.
But he cautioned his team to be wary of God and practice what they say and that is putting the party to effective use.
In the same token he also challenged other political party leaders and people who call themselves leaders, not use the people of PNG for their own gain.“We will be true and go into this election with the help of God and win for the people of PNG,” he declared.
“PNG Party is the party for the grassroots people of PNG and I came from a village setting to be where I am and I am for the people of PNG.”

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