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Wednesday, 23 May 2012


The PEOPLE’S MOVEMENT FOR CHANGE PARTY has been registered and is fully compliant with all necessary requirements with the relevant laws to carry out its functions as a political

The PEOPLE’S MOVEMENT FOR CHANGE PARTY’s ultimate goal is to serve the interests of Papua New Guinea and Papua New Guineans.

Why there must be CHANGE

37 years of independence has been squandered with nothing tangible to show the people of Papua New Guinea. There is alarming evidence wherever one looks; Papua New Guinea is not
progressing. Instead, the direction Papua New Guinea is headed is frightening and uncertain. The infrastructure throughout the nation has deteriorated to unacceptable standards, and
basic goods and services are no longer being delivered in a timely or acceptable manner. Bridges and roads crumble and fall apart. Schools, court houses, and public service buildings rot
and deteriorate with no relief in sight. Papua New Guinea’s rural population has been disregarded with increasing numbers of people unable to access basic services such as education,
healthcare, and transportation.

Rampant law and order issues, corruption, and unreasonably burdensome taxation regimes discourage genuine investors and visitors. Ordinary Papua New Guineans live with fear of crime,
financial hardship, and marginalization of their rights. Those who should benefit most from public services – women and children – are left to fend for themselves.

Substantial revenues, increasing each year, are pouring into the nation’s coffers from receipts of growing trade and resource development. However, there is NOTHING TO SHOW FOR IT.

What we will do to enact CHANGE

The PEOPLE’S MOVEMENT FOR CHANGE PARTY was created to enact CHANGE – to bring back an effective Government Management Structure that will empower the public sector,
government workers, and public servants to deliver the goods and services that will improve the lives of Papua New Guineans.

We will ensure that the development of Papua New Guinean resources – oil, gas, timber, fish, minerals – is conducted with complete transparency, total regard, respect, and care for the
environment, agreement with the people whose land is being used, with long term strategies for development, care, and stewardship to safeguard against any detriment, either short-term
or long-term, to Papua New Guinea – her people, her land, her environment.

Utilizing the revenue from resource development, we will put into place a Project Management Team to build the infrastructure that Papua New Guinea needs to be an economic force in
the Asia Pacific. There are four main areas on which we will focus:

• LAW & ORDER: we will rebuild the police force, improve their working conditions and develop an impressive, effective, disciplined, respected and trusted law enforcement


• EDUCATION: we will build a system of schools which provide world-class quality education for ALL Papua New Guineans, connecting villages, stations, towns and cities, using

modern technology to develop the greatest resource this country has – its children. No child shall be left behind. No child shall be without an education. We will bring back

the great technical schools of our past and we will enact long term strategies to build a work force of Papua New Guineans who are highly educated, skilled, disciplined and
motivated to become the backbone of their country.

• HEALTH CARE: we will build a network of hospitals, clinics, and medical centres. We will train Papua New Guinean nurses, doctors, and medical personnel to ensure that the

future health of our country is looked after by Papua New Guineans. We will open scientific institutes to provide opportunities for other countries to research the benefits of

the traditional medicines found in Papua New Guinea.

• TRANSPORTATION INFRASTRUCTURE: we will rebuild and modernize our existing roadways, and provide a safe, reliable, economical transport system that will facilitate trade

for all of our citizens. We will ensure that air transport regulations enforce operations that provide safe air travel. We will modernize our airports, public transport, and private

transport standards. We will eliminate prohibitive excise tax on vehicles, to allow Papua New Guineans to upgrade their motor fleet to meet modern environmental and safety


The PEOPLE’S MOVEMENT FOR CHANGE PARTY will raise Papua New Guinea off her knees and move her into a new era of productivity, to become a leading example in the Asia Pacific of
efficiency, environmentally sound industry, law, order, and public services. We can do this, but we need CHANGE!

The PEOPLE’S MOVEMENT FOR CHANGE PARTY is now in the process of finalizing candidates for endorsement for the 2012 National Elections. The PEOPLE’S MOVEMENT FOR CHANGE
PARTY intends to endorse as many suitable candidates for the 2012 national Elections as possible. However, all candidates must fulfil a stringent set of criteria to ensure that they are
credible and acceptable to the people they represent.

• No former or current Members of Parliament will be accepted.

• All Candidates must have impeccable integrity.

• All Candidates must be hard working and personally committed to dedicating their time in office to the people of Papua New Guinea.

If interested in participating in CHANGE, please contact one of the following persons:

Party Council Member Brown Bangan:

73480521 /

Secretary General Boe Daera:

76932121 /

Party Public Officer Tony Sipa:

76372118 /

Endorsed By: Justin PARKER (FOUNDER) Gary Juffa(PARTY LEADER)

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