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Tuesday 12 June 2012

PNG still awaiting publication of List of Election Candidates

The Electoral Commission has released a list of intending candidates who have submitted their bio-data to the commission up to the March 26 deadline.

But when the list was put up for public viewing, there was a huge commotion as some intending candidates were angry about the names on the list. They verbally abused Electoral Commission staff.

There were some interesting omissions, including those of sitting MPs.

Bulolo MP and National Planning Minister Sam Basil was a notable omission.

The others were Usino-Bundi MP Samson Kuli, Madang businessman and former MP Peter Yama, who has publicly announced his intention to reclaim his former Usino-Bundi seat.

Wabag MP Sam Abal, who had made it known he would be defending his Wabag Open seat, was listed for the Enga regional seat.

One intending candidate, Jarry Maso Paya was listed for both Wapenamanda Open and Enga Regional.

When that was made known to the Electoral Commission, the office of the electoral commissioner assured the public that those were the initial list based on bio-data that reached the commission by the March 26 deadline.

The list would be updated as some information was received late because of the deferral of the dates for the issue of writs.

The List of candidates is still being worked on and we are hoping all will names will be published before we go to the poll.

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