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Tuesday 12 June 2012

Which Leader Knows My Issues!

By Nathan Dingu

The average working Papua New Guinean be it a policeman, teacher, public servant or bank teller
will tell you that thier current pay is not enough.

The average working Papua New Guinean working in a city will tell you that they are either slepping in
a small one bedroom room going for about K300 a fortnight or sharing a house with more than one family.

Is this a curse? Is this because of us? Or is this because we have been neglected by a government who simply
does not give a shit us the simple people?

It is time we raise people who already know the issues we are facing! It is time we put up people who have
already been fighting for us! It is time we put people in place who already know the current system! It is time...

10 years from now, I do not want to still see most working Papua New Guineans coming out out of settlements!
10 Years from now I do not want to still see Papua New Guineans still living in Poverty!

Who knows our issues? Who can fight on behalf of the simple people? THere may be many who are currently standing
for public office! THere are many who most problably will be saying, I will do this and I will do that!
But I tell you, what is thier track record? Where have they proven themselves as fighters for the people!
where have they proven that they shall stand up for your rights.

History has proven that Unionists have by far been the better leaders! Whose Decisions, do not sway far away from
thier people. Check you Wikipedia Guide for the worlds known Unionists/Fighters for the people's and see if you
recognise any of them!

I therefore present to you all two known Unionists who are standing for Elections. JOhn Paska - New Ireland Regional
and Micheal Malabag - MOresby North - West! True Unionsts! True Nationalists! True Fighters!

If you are a worker of Telikom, BSP, PNG Power, or the Public Service - these men have always been with you all! They
have always stood beside you all fighting for your rights. It is only right that they rise up to the next level!
That they are allowed to rise up and fight for the people at the next level.

Papua New Guineans are looking for leaders who know your issues, leaders who can fight for your rights! Look no further!

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